Wednesday, March 30, 2011

When you thought I couldn't get any Dorkier

I make some eyeglass holders for myself.

But why not right? I can never find ones that I really like. I mean really really like AND have the desire to spend the kind of money they're asking for them. I tried going without when a cheap pair would break. Far sighted people will appreciate how I feel, but trust me it's such a pain to not have my glasses on hand when I need them for reading. Annoying to have to hunt for them in my handbag too. And I can read nothing without my glasses. So why not make my own eyeglass holder? Beads and supplies purchased at the Boston Bead Company on Front Street in Salem.

Yup, I think I will make my own.

Heck, I think I'll make a few so I can change with the colors or my mood.


Yarn Miracle said...

Not dorky, FANCY!

Pooch said...

We have permission to do such things as we get older!

Rhonda the Stitchingnut said...

Sometimes I need reminding, Pooch. Haha