Can we say FELTING is additive?
I also worked between the two baby afghans I'm crocheting and knitting for my first great grandchild. With all the coughing I did, I better sterilize them before I'm done. If I have time, I want to include a crocheted sweater & bonnet. But I might be nuts to think I'll get it done by February 18!!

Saturday we had to go to a play that two of our grandsons were in ... it was a musical called "Into the Woods" ... really cute and I just loved hearing the boys sing. I made sure I brought plenty of cough drops with me and of course I knitted while I waited for the show to begin...

Steeks is something else I've never done before. But it is the difference of being a Knitter or a knitter according to The Yarn Harlot. I do want the vest to come out fantastic and something I'd be proud to wear. Of course, I think I'd use the Crocheted Steeks method.... okay, I guess I'll be doing steeks. I can do it ... I think I can ... I think I can.... I know I can! (say that 100 times more)
I guess my work area won't get cleaned up and organized beforehand either. Heavens, what have I committed myself too? The world of knitting is crazier than I imagined and I think I've gone nuts with it!