Oh, and here's the progress on my Crazy Cotton socks. I'm doing two at one time and I work on these when I'm on the train or shuttle to work. Which so far is working out great. Nice to know I'll have a full pair of socks completely done when I bind off.
So that's it for today ...
Addendum .... I am the lucky-ducky winner of a $100 gift certificate to Make 1 Yarn Studio, in the draw on Cynthia's Warming Grace project! Woohoo! A total surprise since I had signed up even before there was any discussion about prizes. So now that I am a winner, I've been looking over the in stock list. I've change my shopping list 4 times already. I wish they had pictures of their stock on their website, but they're new and don't have a great web site yet. But their store looks great from the newsletters that I've been getting. For awhile I thought about acquiring a drop spindle, but I think that might be a bad choice. If my DH had any idea I might have designs on spinning he might then lock me out of the house. So I better stick to yarn that's already spun, huh? That means I can at least lust for my top choice ... Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sock Yarn. I've had a desire to purchase that yarn for a looooong time now, but the price has put a holt on the justification of purchasing such a luxury yarn. But woohoo, I've got the extra doe now haven't I? ... and why not spend it on something I wouldn't have otherwise? Tomorrow I decide on the colors I want ...
Happy knitting everyone!
OMG - you are so lucky! Have you ever considered knitting the Clapotis? You could do it in the LLaces yarn called for in the pattern. Ohhhh....
Or how about some cashmere? Come on ... you know you'd never buy cashmere under normal circumstances. I'm a bad influence.
BTW-the owner of this store is the same woman who started the QueerKnit ring. I've been reading her blog for a while and she seems really cool. 'Your' money is going someplace good.
How exciting! You should definitely splurge on something luxurious.
Rhonda, I am so happy you won! You are building a good stash woman! I love the socks and the wool for the sweater. You are so going to enjoy the LL. I am going to do a two at one time pair of socks when I start my next pair. I have my first drop spindle and I am loving it!
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