Working on my
Rock & Weave sock. Its coming along slow but sure. The reason it's slow is because I've been working on other things also. Especially my grandson, Nick's socks. I'm at the half way mark on them ... and that's only knitting while commuting.
Anway, back to the Rock & Weave from
Blue Moon Fiber Arts. I haven't been traveling with them because they are on DPN's, but I

just received something that will take care of the problem of traveling with double points in my handbag.
The Yarn Harlot talked about it on her April posting ... it's a metal holder thingy ... a metal tube with a slot that runs the length of it, and your needles slide in and the sock hangs out the bottom ... then you put the cap on and everything stays in place. It came from Woolworks Ltd. at Jeremiah's

Antiques. They told me that it's a replica of an antique needle holder. If you're interested in one also, email
woolworks@snet.net to place an order. I paid $19.50 including the shipping and I think it's a bargain.
The Yarn Harlot showed another one recently in
wood ... but in NO WAY am I going to carry around a chunk of wood in my

handbag. I would think the wood would be more for decoration sitting at home and/or for when you want to keep your sock safe from little hands or paws.
But that's about it! I have enough heavy stuff in my handbag
thank you
[including the kitchen sink].
Notice how nicely the metal case works!
So now I'm trying to decide on the buttons. When I went for my walk last Sunday to Pickering Wharf I looked at buttons for the Rock & Weave. They didn't have enough of the metal buttons that I originally wanted so I looked over others and found the
perfect buttons for these socks ...
BUT they cost $7.90 each!! That would be $31.60 for buttons for a pair of socks.
I DON't THink So! I'd rather spend the money on
yarn porn ... soooooo ... I've picked out these seashell buttons that I had in my button stash. What do you think? Good enough? Here's a picture of the buttons facing both ways on the cuff. Which way looks best? Well I've got time to

decide before both socks are done. And if you don't like the shells ... well ...

Added note:
We've got a winner ...The majority of you seem to like the 2nd picture ... and I do too.
So I won't have to look some place else for silver!
Hi Rhonda - I like the shells! I like them best with the wide part of the shells facing in, but the other way looks nice too.Great colors!
Neat! I was just looking for that dpn holder the other day, trying to think if I "needed" it (its a great idea!)
I like the shells, too :)
I love the colour of the yarn. It's awesome. Seashells work too.
Your Rock & Weave socks are coming along so fine, I'm still stunned by the pattern, it's really unique and amazing! That Metal Holder thingy is just perfect it seems, yay for whoever invented that!
What? $7.90 for one button? Oy - are they made of gold or what? You sure made the perfect decision with not buying them and saving that money for yarn - and I do love the shell buttons you're using now, they look so great - you know, I have a big thing for shells, everything connected with the ocean makes my heart smile! I'd say the second version of the shells, the one on the second pic, seems cooler - just my little opinion of course!
The socks are rockin' girlfriend! They look so good; way to go!!!! I love your holder (think I will have to get me one of those although right now I am so in love with circs for socks LOL). The shells look great; I agree with everyone else - wider part to the inside, flows better.
Hi Rhonda, nice to see you at the knit out! Thanks for posting the tin needle holder. I have a new style if anyone is interested. Love the socks and the buttons. great colors!
Thanks for the tipoff on those DPN holders. I just ordered 2 pair from Jen at Woolworks. What a sweet person. We had the nicest conversation.
Your socks look lovely. Those were my summer project driving up to Macon last year. I think that they are amoung my favorite socks.
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