Okay, enough ranting ... I have knitting to do.
And pictures of knitting tHiNgS too ...
I started this yesterday before Blogger went down ... and it's STILL raining!!

First, I want to show off my new markers from Rabbitch. Scroll down and find her link on the left of where she sells her markers. I found out about her from Two Wooden Sticks and yes they are beautiful markers. Much prettier than the way they look in the picture. I think I took a dozen pictures before I got one good enough to show you.

The Blue Moon Fiber Arts 2006 Rockin' Sock Club.
Here's the first shipment ... which came while I was on vacation and I just started the cuff yesterday on this "Rock and Weave" sock. I'm following the pattern they sent. Mainly because the idea of me joining was to try out different styles of socks as well as new yarns. So I'm learning as I go. This sock has a Linen Weave pattern at the ankle. I like it .... cute!
Here's a close up of the Weave (right side)

and here's a picture of the back (wrong side).

What surprised me ... is that I like the wrong side as much as the right side. What do you think? The right side is flat and the wrong side is more bumpy. But I like the way the color flows and the texture is nice too.

Opps, that's the right side again ... here's the back side. Yup, I think I like the wrong side just as much as the right side of the Linen Stitch. And I still like the way the colors fall too.
Is that called 'pooling'? Where the colors fall where they want and not where you dictate them to?

Did you notice the book? Well you "know you knit to much" when you start reading murder mysteries about knitting, LOL ... or any book that "you hear has a character in it that knits" as the Yarn Harlot says. And guess what ... I only read in bed ... otherwise ...
I'm knitting!
Oh, poor you - it seems that you're now getting the weather that we've been having for the past three weeks, while it's getting hot, hot, hot now here again. I'll send some sunrays over to you!
Yay for joining the sock club, and hey, the beginning of your socks is amazing already! I agree with you, the wrong side looks even better than the right one - well, who said we always have to use the "right" side? Use what you like best, I'd say!
I'm looking forward to seeing more of these socks, they seem to become really stunning with this weave pattern!
We've been getting a lot of rain lately as well. I keep trying to tell myself that "at least it's not snow!" and that helps. I like the rain, but not for days on end.
The linen weave looks great. I haven't tried that stitch yet. I like the colours for that new sock from the sock club and can't wait to see it completed.
The rain sucks, blogger sucks but congratulations on the club Rhonda!!! Your start looks excellent - I am so totally impressed (I haven't started mine yet). I love Rabbitch's markers (I am going to order some for myself - I do have a set now); the markers do look fantastic. I have read the book (not a hard read) and the second pair of socks are also wonderful. Your grandson will love them! You are just cooking right now!
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