Not mentally.
So much going on. So much to do. To knit. To prepare for DH's return ... dare I say 2 to 3 weeks? Close!!!!! My fingers are crossed.
So you'll see me coming and going. Between the running of errands, cleaning house, cooking and preparing healthy meals, knitting and knitting, I'll stop by the computer once in awhile. But not as often as I'd like.
But for now ...
How about my Holiday PJ party with the Knitting Kittens ...
[Looks like I cut Rae out but if you click on the picture you'll see all of us.]I'm the squinty-eyed hip cat in the middle with the wild 'pink elephant with knit hats and ice skates' outfit.
[If only I could keep my eyes open when jumping into a picture after setting the timer.] We had lots of fun and laughs as usual.
Had a Yankee Swap too.
This is what I ended with as my swap gift ... and I love it! Not what I had planned on but it's even better than I had expected.

These were so popular at Christmas that you can't even find one anywhere right now. Not even on
Now how about some pictures of recent finished WIPs? Well let's start out with the first project on the 2009 Knit-a-day Calendar ...

That's only one ... I've already knit up 4. They'll make cute hostess gifts or stocking stuffers for next year, huh?
And I knit up this with left-0ver Debbie Bliss Aran
[from hats I made 2 years ago] ...

It's a Hot Water Bottle Cover. It's to cover the hot water bottle I got for DH when he gets home & I'll fill it with nice hot water and put it under the covers at the foot of the bed to keep his toes and feet nice and warm on these cold Winter nights. Aren't I the good wife?
And he's coming home soon. Very soon.I can't say a 'matter-of-days' but maybe
... in 3 weeks!