Sunday, October 31, 2010

What to do, what to do ...

plans are askew; paint oven door, lay down bark mulch, mow front lawn, walk downtown to see what's going on at Seed Stitch Fine Yarn & the Haunted Happenings, get back home to make dinner and then pass out the candy to witches & goblins. But ... I also want to crochet or knit. Not enough time in the day.


So what do I do?

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Looks like knitting but it's NOT ...

Tunisian Crochet.

If you're a Senior crocheter like I am you know this Tunisian Crochet is based on the old Afghan Stitch. So it's not as new as it sounds. But something different is being done with it. Turning it into wearable fabric is one. And even the stitch can be altered to look different as this Tunisian Lace Scarf is ... the pattern is:

Tunisian Crochet Lace Scarf

Looks like knitted lace don't you think? Once you get the rhythm going it's relaxing to do this one needle project. It's small so you don't even need a special needle other than a crochet hook without a finger rest on it.

Tunisian Crochet Lace Scarf

Only one modification and that is one extra stitch. I chained 15 instead of 14 and put one extra plain stitch at the end so that the left side matched the right side better.
I also made this scarf long enough to wrap around my neck twice to give it more of a Cowl effect.

Came out really nice using Misti Alpaca Cotton Silk yarn. The cotton makes it soft and the silk gives it some warmth. Best of all .... the colors will go with everything!

Tunisian Crochet Lace Scarf

Now what more can you ask out of a little scarf, huh?

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Instant gratification here!

One knit and One crochet ... both in One week!!!

Knit Pattern:
Lacy Baktus by Terhi Montonen


Yarn used

It got a little boring to knit but the yarn is so nice it's wonderful to wear wrapped around the neck. Kind of like wearing it like it's a Cowl, I think. And I love the color mix!

Crochet Pattern: Beatrice's Scarf


Okay ... I do crochet fast and this was done in only two days. The yarn used is one of my favorites; Spud & Chloë Sweater.


And would you want to make a guess as to how many projects I've cast on since this scarf came off the blocking board last night? Go ahead and guess how many, knit or crochet and what kind of project.

No cheating allowed by looking on Ravelry ...

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Seems like only yesterday ...

that I gave you an update on what I've been making.

Oh ya, it was only yesterday wasn't it? But what I didn't show you is what has really been taking over my life the last few weeks. A good "take over" honestly. Well better than the work I've been doing in my flower bed. I've been getting two front flower beds cleaned up for the Winter and ready for the Spring show with bulbs and that sure feels more like a "take over" at the moment. But, you know how I've been loving shawls lately right? Well that hasn't changed ...

Here's the most satisfying knit I've done in a long long time. A love has developed and I call it "Waiting for Earl Waves in the Square Shawl". I loved knitting it the whole time but fell in LOVE when I took it off the blocking board and put it on. I usually love the knitting process much more than the final out come. Well I like the outcome on most of my knitting but what I mean is I have fallen in LOVE.

Take a look for yourself ...

Waves in the Square
Waves in the Square
Waves in the Square

And the pictures don't even do it justice. The yarn is gorgeous! Here are the details ...

Project info
: Waiting for Earl Waves in the Square Shawl
: Waves in the Square Shawl by Sivia Harding
Needle and yarn
US 5 - 3.75 mm
3 skeins = 1320.0 yards (1207.0m)
: Citrus
Waves in the Square

I made one modification. And that is I cast on using a provisional cast on and went back to pick up the stitches to knit a few more garter stitch rows and cast off with picots and beads so that it matched the bottom edge. See below.

Waves in the Square

Now I just hope I don't look too much like a big fat orange pumpkin.

Although, how appropriate for Salem, MA is that, huh?

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Did I forget to show you my new hat?

I knit this hat so fast I forgot to post about it didn't I? WELL ... I don't understand how I did that. Yes, this hat is for me and I've already bought more yarn to make another one. No really, I'm not kidding with ya.

Details below ...





Project Info

Name: Minty Red Hot Hat
Pattern: Minty by Erica Jackofsky (Fiddle Knits)

Needle and yarn
Needles: US 6 - 4.0 mm, US 8 - 5.0 mm
Yarn: Blue Sky Alpacas Worsted Hand Dyes
How much?
2 skeins = 200.0 yards (182.9m)
Colorway: Red #2000, Dye lot 0866
Purchased at: Seed Stitch Fine Yarn in Salem, Massachusetts
Purchase date: September 30, 2010
Notes: Note on needle sizes: A cotton version uses sizes US 5 & 7. Merino/Alpaca version uses sizes US 6 & 8. So I used 6 & 8.


Now seriously ... how do I take a good picture of a hat on my own head?

Monday, October 04, 2010

Knitting Loves Crochet ...

Project info
Peek-a-Boo Pillow Cover
Crochet & Knitting
Needle and yarn
4.0 mm (G)
4.5 mm (6)
2 skeins = 320.0 yards (292.6m)
Grape Jelly
Seed Stitch Fine Yarn, Salem, MA

Knitting DOES love Crochet!

One side is knitted and the other is crocheted.

Crochet Motifs:

crochet side

Knit Moss Stitch:

knit side

What more could I ask for?

Friday, October 01, 2010


A new crochet hook that the StitchingNut can LOVE!

Did I say "love"? Yup, I've been a strong advocate for the good ole Boye Crochet Hooks or Susan Bates which I've used for many years and even inherited from my grandmother a number of them. I've done a lot of crocheting so I know what I like and what works great for me ... and what doesn't work for my hands.

But after all these years my hands are telling me, "You're getting old and you better start treating us better or we're going to give out on you." "You'll be sorry for not paying attention." But I love my old crochet hooks!!

Well none of those other new designs that have come out in the past few years have worked for me or my style of crocheting until now ...

What will change my mine? Is there any new style that could possibly become my new favorite? No matter what the cost? [FAT chance, huh?]

Well I found them ...

Addi Swing Hooks by Skacel!

Finally, a crochet hook that really IS ergonomically correct. I hated their other style with ridges because they actually hurt my fingers. But ... my hands are confirming it; a wonderful new handle that I can really get a hold of and love like no other. I'm working on a quick project right now and I hope my LYS - Seed Stitch Fine Yarn will be carrying them soon. Courtney gave me one below to try out. Gave it a spin around a motif and ... yes, they cost more ... but my hands are saying it is well worth the extra money. Other "mature" crocheters like myself may feel the same way.

But, it just might also save a young crocheter from some of the hand issues I now have. So pick up one in the most common size that you use and give it a try. The Swing has an added bonus of being color coded too.

I think I want the whole set. Yes, I do!!!!