can be over-powering for a Yarn addict like myself.
Only buy from two stores I say to

Unless I see something I really need of course.
But don't buy from every store, I repeat over and over.
And can I stick to that plan?
Well the 2nd annual
North Shore Yarn Crawl was this past weekend. A beautiful weekend it was too. All of my knitting and crocheting friends were looking forward to it ... well the enthusiastic yarn shoppers like myself were anyways. A few stronger women stated, "I'm not going this year because I want to save the money for ... " Well that's her mantra, the StitchingNut is going. The crawl is only once a year after all. Right?
So the first store I go to is in Marblehead, MA ... called
Yarn Over Marblehead. A very cute little store with a very nice proprietor. Of course she had something I wanted. NORO Silk Garden. And just the project on display that I also had the pattern already at home for. AND she was offering a 20% discount for buying during the yarn crawl. Just how could I say, "no thank you"? ...
Actually, I'm glad I didn't because I not only cast on the next morning for the
Sursa Shawl Wrap by
Cornelia Tuttle Hamilton from
Noro: Cornelia Tuttle Hamilton Book 2. But but I also cast off on Sunday while sitting at Seed Stitch Fine Yarn before the end of the crawl.See ...

But I didn't stop there. After making my 1st purchase I then went over to
Seed Stitch Fine Yarn in Salem where the organizer of the crawl resides and of course I made a second purchase.
[Everbody knows how much I love Courtney & SSFY right? I practically live here!] Yes, it's 16 balls of Rowan All Season Cotton but I clearly intend to knit myself a Summer sweater.

I even cast-on by Saturday night while the Yarn Crawl was still in progress. I figure I better justify all this yarn purchasing since I have an embarrassing amount of yarn in my Stash already. And I did finish Sursa on Sunday ... and I'm truly planning to finish this sweater before the warm weather arrives. I think. I am loving it so far ... so I intend to keep on knitting on it. Honestly, would I lie??
But only if the allure of my other purchases don't overwhelm me ...

From a new store Creative Yarns in Beverly (they just opened 2 days before and have a lot of potential) a supply of knitting markers. (yes, I always NEED 'em) and then to
Yarn in the Farms in Beverly where I found the most luscious yarn called Everlasting by Dream in Color. I also learned a couple of really interesting cast-on tips from the Farms which I have committed to memory and will definitely use. A very fascinating little store!

I promise to use it ... for an interesting shawl maybe. The
Springtime Bandit comes to mind in fact.
**Here's a picture on Ravelry of the Bandit done in this
same yarn, different color.
**The next stop was at the famous
Coveted Yarn in Gloucester. Of course I found a yarn that just couldn't be left behind. And while I waited in the parking lot to keep from being overcome from the yarn fumes in the over-abundantly stocked store for my other two "yarn-addict" friends, I met other knitters and crocheters. Such a cheery lot! Always willing to part with their money for more yarn. I certainly can't blame them considering my find of lovely Heather Schaeffer Yarn in the colorway called Eleanor Roosevelt ...

Does it help to know that I got it on discount too?
Of course we had to stop at
Cranberry Fiber Arts in S. Hamilton.

And the lure of the yarn didn't stop. I was just absolutely taken over by this yarn and the pattern to go with it for a beautiful Wrap with the most gorgeous drape I've ever felt ...
Oooooo, am I going to have the stamina to complete such a large Garter Stitch project with 8 balls of lace weight Silky Alpaca????
I better if I want to justify this purchase huh?
Well last but not least, we only made it to one more store before we had to call-it-a-day and we all collapsed from exhaustion.
And that store was the
Village Stitchery in Topsfield. Where I only purchase a sock yarn that's I've never

tried, but I did learn a 3 needle bind-off trick that I can't wait to try. And I really do need to make myself some new socks for next Winter. What better time to do it than over the Summer, right?
I might be poorer, but I'm happy!
[And in 3 days I haven't even been able to remove my Yarn Crawl Shawl!!]