Shelley might be right by saying that I'm "smoking". I think it's from the rubbing together of knitting needles I guess. You all know I love to use Bamboo, right? In fact,
Mafia asked me at our MIT SnB meeting yesterday what the count was up to. So I added it up and I get 21 pair made so far. So before I go up in flames ... here are the final 3 pairs fingerless mitts for
this weekend.

And the two off-white are SOLD! And then believe it or not, I have only one gift pair left to make ... That's right ... Yup, I want to knit another pair for
myself. Okay that leaves two more pair of fingerless mitts to knit by this girl.
Speaking of
this weekend ...
We're headed up to New Hampshire for Christmas with the Kids!
And to give you an idea of what some of the gifts are and for who ... follow the knitty items below

For my daughter, Heidi
She's learning to knit whether she knows it or not, hehe.
I've included a little more in her knitting bag but each of the others will contain: clear bag with folding scissors, waste cotton yarn, embroider needle, stitch markers, tape measure, crochet hook, pencil & little note pad. Yarn from my stash. Needle & stitch gauge. Pair of knitting needles size 7. And of course their fingerless mitts. Think I remembered everything ... Oh ya, a pack of HOT COCOA.

Granddaughter Brandi

Does that look like a "Sweet 16" smile? LOL.

Granddaughter Catelynn

Look at those beautiful eyes!

Granddaughter Samantha

And she really is a sweetie!

Granddaughter Ashlee

Another blonde cutie!

Granddaughter Mersadees

Just as sweet as she looks!
And for the only boy in the bunch ... He gets a brief case instead of a knitty bag & leggos instead of fingerless mitts. (I'll make him a pair later if he wants)
My Grandson Cody

If I can get him away from the videos that is ...
Well he did say he wanted to learn to knit. Hope it wasn't just because the girls were all telling me they wanted to learn. Catelyn says she does know how (taught to her by a step-mom) so I'm going to ask her to be my Assistant in teaching the others. Samantha has already learned the knit & purl stitch, but I felt the book would help her get beyond the single square she's done so far. It's going to be a scarf she says, but she's told me she had to "frog" it a couple of times now. Well I'll have my work cut out for me ... and I'll try to get pictures of everyone knitting.
So before I go, in case you were wondering ... yes
The Munchkin, Jayden will be there also ........... pictures of her in the sweater I knit to come!