Can you see the hole in front of my finger? Well that's not the only one... I won't show you the rest and make myself break down in tears again. This is not good! Got to find a "fix" or I'll have to give up. Throw in the towel ....[But what about my cheering section ... my fans, family & friends? They've had more faith in me that I had in myself. How can I let them down? Never mind the lose of my sanity.]
Okay, be calm and blindly go to the sewing room.... stitch down the steeks so that further unraveling doesn't happen. [I learned my lesson ... next time if the steek is longer than an arm hole, machine stitch before crocheting or just machine stitch. This was also Baby alpaca and not as clingy as Wool. The directions didn't remind me of this. The designer SAID I could crochet the steeks. She lied.]
Like I said ... I learned my lesson.

I must go on for the gold ... So I got up at 4:00 am this morning and completed the bands of 320 stitches along the fronts & neckline before Noon. Here's a pic of the inside back neckline tacked down with the herring bone stitch. Okay... I can do this ...
I rolled the crappy side steeks under and stitched those down with yarn. Can you see what I did in this picture? Any major problem here? No? Okay, good.

Okay so here's the finished result.
I had 15 minutes to go and I never sewed buttons on so FAST in my life. Once it's dry, I'll take a picture of me wearing it. I only did a quick block on it for now. I'll do a more complete block later. But I want to wear it tomorrow. Well, if it fits of course.
This is it... I'm done.!! And guess what? If it wasn't for this CRAZY Knitting Olympic idea, I probably would have given up when I ran into this major ordeal that I did last night ....
But NO, I went for the Gold instead! ... Updated 2/27/06 below with my picture.