Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Wild and Wooly Weather ...

For around here ... it was a wild afternoon on the Northshore yesterday. Got a call from the DH to tell me, "Don't come home!"
.... "Well not for an hour or so anyways." He adds.

There were tornado warnings [not a common event around here] and it was hailing 1 inch size ice balls at that very moment. The wind was so strong he thought the roof was going to come off. This storm included thunder & lighting as well. I had evidence of the lighting when my train was delayed getting into the Salem Station later on ... lightning had hit the signal box.

And alas, we even lost one Hugh branch from the American Lynden tree in the backyard. And we'll loose another limb also. There's one just hanging on. We'll have to have someone take it down. It's waaaaay up there!

But I made it home with my knitting!!

Mail Call ... waiting for me at home was this fun package from Florida.
Aren't I the lucky one?!
My friend, Sammie has done it again. She saw these things and thought of me ... so mailed 'em.

The book is A Good Yarn by Debbie Macomber ... one that I hadn't read yet. Sam said that it's about a SOCK knitter, so she thought I would like it. I know I will! [I'll tell you about that cross stitch Santa later.]

And then the silver bracelet is made by Hand & Hammer Silversmiths.
You're not going to believe what's written on there. LOL, I'm embarrassed because it isn't true ... YET.

It says ...
"My Stash is Bigger than Yours"

Well I know it isn't, but Sammie said she thought of the "Flash Your Stash" event we had not too long ago and couldn't resist getting this for me. She got one for herself also since she has a Stash of Fabric. She told me today that whenever she wears and looks at her bracelet tho, she thinks of me and YARN. Go figure!

I think I'll go admire mine ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Man, these hail stones are really huge, I don't even want to begin to imagine how it would be to be hit by them! Thanks god you made it home safely!
Your socks are looking better and better each time I see them, and wow, such a great package! Have fun with everything it contained!