Hell no! ... I did laundry ... I did ironing ... I knit ... and I read.
I even made lunch for the DH. We usually each take care of ourselves for lunches, but I was feeling generous and it was such a glorious day I thought we could sit outside together. It was certainly

beautiful out! And once the table was cleared after lunch, I pulled out the little orange socks I'm knitting for my munchkin, Jayden. I thought about the yarn left over from my
Dipsey Doodle socks and decided it just might be enough for an infant sock. Sure enough, it was exactly enough for the first sock. But I started the 2nd sock while sitting outside and now I'm praying I have enough yarn for it. That's my mantra as I knit this sock now ... "please be enough yarn, please be enough yarn."
And then I decided to read a little before my eyelids dropped shut for a little snooze. Just a short one, coz I was satisfied with just a cat nap. I woke to knit some more.

And to give you some perspective on the size of the munchkin's sock compared to mine, here's a picture of the two. The infant sock is one of the patterns in Nancy Bush's
Knitting Vintage Socks.

I've got plans for mittens for the munchkin also. Here's the yarn & fleece I bought for them to make thrummed mittens for her. I'll be using the new mitten book I got,
Favorite Mittens: Best
Traditional Patterns from Fox & Geese & Fences and Flying Geese & Partridge Feet. How's that for a name of a book? I hear this is a fantastic book & I love what I see so far. Especially since there's also instructions for using fleece

or roving for thrummed mittens. You see the yummy soft fleece I got? Hope the combination comes out nicely.
Wanted to start the mittens this weekend, but I also want to finish the socks. The socks won out!
And BTW, have you read this book?
Hit by A Farm? I'm half way thru it and LOVE, love, love this book! Such a nice read. It's about two women starting a farm. Sheep on this farm, of course. And the stories of their trials and tribulations with farming. Especially since it was a "dream" of only one of them. The other is a writer and telling the story of course. It's a true story, so it's even more interesting to read. I really like

Catherine and her partner Melissa.
But I never thought I'd have sheep in my dreams ... tee hee!Added note on Sept 18: Check out FemiKnit Mafia`s post on a very interesting/amusing video. Freaky indeed! Go ahead, take a look. You'll laugh ... or cry ... or it'll put you right over the edge!
The Last KnitAnd if you want to laugh until you have tears in your eyes ...
check out the
L.A.'s County Fair commericials. I graduated from Savanna High in Anaheim, CA in 1967, yet I was a transplant from New England so I really appreciated these. Hehe. I got this link from
Knit Together who's in California. Check out her Blog to read what Lynda's daughter asked her about
Mohair. Too funny, Lynda! And those commercials are a hoot!!