She has on her Halloween suit also. And what a lovely web she spins!
Do you think she would help me with my knitting?

A few more inches on a neckwarmer. My mindless knit. Easy knit.

A little more than half way on Buddy's coat. My sister, Cindy's new friend. He's going to need it soon too judging by the early cool weather this year. I better not stop now.
I did have to start some mittens in Interweave Holiday 2009 Mag for the Grandkid Christmas gift basket. Christmas gifts are piling up. Can't stop now tho.

But a lace sampler scarf will go on the blocking board tomorrow once I graft the two ends together. I'll hand carry it to Seed Stitch Fine Yarn to be put on display. You're not afraid of lace knitting are you? You are? Trust me, it's easy. Join me in a class after Christmas.

How about it Ms Spidy? Will you help me with my knitting tonight??