I've been quiet, but knitting on my socks. They're coming along rather nicely ... Altho, I'll be happy to get them done [this is only the first sock] and go on to the next project. But I do like the pattern and have enjoyed knitting something a little more challenging. Want to know more about the Fetzenmuster-sock? Check it out
here.But I'm forever thinking ahead!
With Fleece Artist yarn from Two Wooden Sticks waiting in the wings ...

patterns are whirling in my head!
What sock pattern would look great in these delicious candy colors? M-m-m-m, I'm still looking. But what do you think of
Tropicana? These colors do look tropical to me. The pattern looks good in all those colors without getting lost, don't you think? I just might go Tropical!!
I got so many nice compliments on the

Pinwheel sweater. Thanks!
Here it is all blocked, dry, and with my button choice stitched on. I plan to take it to the little recipient this Saturday ... I love this sweater!
And I can't wait to see it on Jayden!!

Can you see the purple wooden button? I just used one of the loops on the edge as the button hole. When Jayden gets bigger, I can just take the button off, repossession it on the other side with a smaller collar and whoala ... a sweater that still fits!
And now for the Fashion Statement of the day.
Outfits were sewn and sent to me from Sammie in Naples, Florida ... for Lola Lolly. Of course she made one to match for Lola's sister, Lucy.
I just LOVE this outfit so much!Here's Lola dressed in Style ...

Oh ya, and that bag laying next to her is the storage bag Sammie made for her ... but I think I'll just put her clothes away in it instead.
And have Lola sitting in a place of honor in my bedroom ...
Well now it's time to put my toys away ...