As a variety of knitting is waiting in the corners of StitchingNuts home!
**[edited to add more to my habitual stashing below ...]
A Swell Yarn Shop's KeKay Duet is waiting to be a Slouchy Beret Hat!

A Fiddlehead Rainbow Shawl ... another luxury item for me is sulking until I can start working on her. But it doesn't call out to me any more than this one that includes the JoJoland yarn somewhere too. Remember this shawl? And my intentions of knitting her before Winter? Oh ya, it's still waiting for me to make it a WIP.

And ...

I couldn't help myself when I bought this JoJoland Swirl Scarf kit. There's something about scarves lately that have been atracting my attention.
Such as ...

Do you believe I plan to begin this one in January?
[and Fabric N FiberFanatic remembered I said January 5th. But only if you cast on also, Sara.]And I'm way behind on the socks ...

But they're waiting in a corner for me also.

Not to mention the Undertow Cape.
But when am I going to find time to do ...

This bag?
Time oh time, is time on my side? Will I finish these in this life time?
Well it would help if I would start this THIS Winter ...
And just go from there ...
[If you think there might be more in hiding ... well you could be correct. But if I confess to any more, I'll never get anything done.]
**Okay I should at least add what I bought just THIS week ...

But you see what I mean about the scarves, right?
What? Did you just say, "It doesn't matter"? It's all an obsession?