Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Who I am right now ...


is "A person in process -- always and forever learning, changing, growing. But the only important reality is who I am right now. I am not who I used to be. I am not yet who I will be. And above all I must know this: I am who I am supposed to be, and I am fully equipped to do whatever it is I am supposed to be doing with my life."

I have this typed on a piece of paper. A paragraph from a book and I don't even remember which book now, but I have referred to this many times when I've been "down" or "sad" or just wondering why I'm doing what I'm doing in life. And when I feel it's too difficult to do or to handle; I read it once again.

It's my answer and my inspiration all at once.

Stash Under the Stairs

I've learned a lot in the past year and I'm right where I should be. With the right person by my side and the correct people in my life. The ones who love me; although they may not always understand me.
Rhonda at age 3

I am the one and only me ... the StitchingNut.
Grey hair, wrinkles and all the rest.
Rhonda 2007

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