Did I do it? Well, not really. BUT ... I did get one WIP completed.
Well just socks but I've been working on them for awhile.

And then I still had 2 more days before the next pattern came out for the Mystic Fire Shawl KAL so alas I CAST ON ...
For more than one Coffee Mug Cozy ... many cozies in fact. Even a Tea Mug Cozy.

All the cups and cozies are going into a "Gift Closet" so when I need a gift for either a Gal or a Guy ... coffee or tea drinker ... a gift is all ready to wrap & give. And hey, I got these cups at bargain prices as well and I can get at least 4 cozies out of each skein of Cascade 220 Superwash. The button can cost as much as the yarn used but still a bargain. I can even add something to put inside the cup for an additional gift depending on the occasion. Tea spoon & tea bags; Coffee pack & chocolate bits.
For once I'm thinking ahead!