I'm crazy about all kinds of stitching .................................. right now I'm into knitting and felting and knitting and crochet and knitting! Did I tell you I knit?
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Let it snow, let snow, let it snow ...

I open the door and look up the street ...

Across the street ...

And then down the street ...

The mound of snow at the bottom of this picture in front of the fire hydrant is the roof of our car in our drive way. Looks like a lot of snow but we've had more than this before and of course this storm isn't over yet.
This is just the beginning!
So inside the door I look ...

And this is where ...

the DH and I plan to spend the day and stay cozy!

And I'll try to get more socks knitted.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Christmas knitting while it's snowing ...
I want to finish this sock and it's mate to be worn on Christmas day.
And of course, more of these guys ... LOTs more!
And since we're expecting a N'oreaster this Sunday, I'll have time for dreaming about woolly sheep while I knit. (don't tell my DH tho. He's already worried I might want to buy a live one some day.)
Like my little ornament? I got him last year at Bottman Designs.
I have an ornament by Laini also. I'll show you a picture of her next time.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Hard to buy for? Me?
Am I really?

Although, I've heard that about me on occasion, I don't know why something like that is even spoken out loud. Most people in the end seem to get me just what I like without any help from me. Except maybe the DH. But he's a man. He can't be perfect. I have to come right out and tell him what I want.
Now I really love the slippers from Holland. Not only are they comfy but also nice and warm. Not sheepy or woolly or has anything to do with the fiber arts, but the "talk of the town" in my part of the world. Different. So I absolutely love 'em! So don't get me wrong and think that I only want things that have something to do with knitting. But if someone thought I was hard to buy for ... well it's always safe to fall back on the "fiber arts" world isn't it? Wouldn't you think so? (Hey, I wouldn't turn up my nose to a gift certificate either.)
Well this past weekend I received a gift from Georgia ... my friend Sammie always knows what to get and once again she got me just the right thing ...
Thanks, Sammie!
And since she knows I collect "pie birds" (well after all, she got me started) how could she resist this "pie vent" (can't call him a bird, LOL) to put into my collection? Does she know something about me that those other people don't know? The one who might say I'm hard to buy for that is.
They'll think of something ... I'm sure.
Thursday, December 06, 2007
A day for St. Nicholas.
December 6 -- St. Nicholas (as posted in the Farmer's Almanac)
In Holland, everyone celebrates the Feast of Sinterklaas, or St. Nicholas, on the eve of December 6. After dinner, Dutch families hunt for presents, following clues in funny, anonymous poems. They also eat candies and cookies. The legend of St. Nicholas is, like the lives of many saints, shrouded in mystery. We know that he was a bishop during the fourth century. In many places in the United States and abroad, children still place their shoes by the window or door for St. Nicholas to fill them with presents and sweets. He is considered the patron saint of children.
Since one of my best friends is in Holland and we exchange gifts every year ... the DH and I intended to celebrate tonight. We got our package 2 days ago and it was hard to wait. So this morning we gave in and look what was in our package this year ...
Slipper Wooden Shoes! And of course Chocolate.
But the slippers aren't really made of wood, but foam. "What a hoot!" exclaimed my DH. "I love 'em!" Well we both love 'em. See?
Now for that dark yummy chocolate ...
Goes great with knitting, so it won't last long!
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Dust bunnies ...

But it hasn't stopped me from spending more money. Is that a gift for myself? Yah, I think so. Okay, I probably KNOW so. I got these from a nice little Etsy store called Textured Turtle. Thru Sock Porn Etsy Friday I saw the pin she purchased, so I went right to Textured Turtle and found a beautiful mosaic shawl pin for my new shawl from Margaret in Canada. The colors are actually lighter than what you see in the picture. But they are green, orange & turquoise.

The fibre art stick pin next to it is also from Textured Turtle. Unique!

Well it's back to work. I have more of these to make!
Friday, November 30, 2007
I'm keeping my nose to the grindstone ...
And just in case we get snow this Sunday ... for your reading enjoyment ...
Playing in the Snow
(by Karla Kuskin)
Under my hood I have a hat
And under that
My hair is flat.
Under my coat
My sweater's blue,
My sweater's red.
I'm wearing two.
My muffler muffles to my chin
And round my neck
And then tucks in.
My gloves were knitted
By my aunts.
I've mittens too
And pants
And pants
And boots
And shoes
With socks inside.
The boots are rubber, red and wide.
And when I walk
I must not fall
Because I can't get up at all.

Altho, they don't have everything online yet so you'll have to go down to the store to find those really neat gifts. (I got one this week that I can't show you 'coz it's a gift already wrapped and for someone who reads this blog. So she'll have to wait, tehe) And my t-shirts? Well, most of my t-shirts are from Threadless. Happy shopping and ...
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
In the background knitting on ...

Besides the miles and miles of garter stitch on the Einstein Coat ...
I managed to get a few stitches done on my Poetry In Stitches cardigan.
And I managed some knitting on the Modern Quilt Wrap also.

Here's an update on the Modern Quilt Wrap ... FRONT

And the BACK ...

I should also show you a couple of closeups of the back. Give you a better idea of what yours might look like if you decide to knit one too.

Now that isn't too bad looking is it? Yes, you can see the joins but that's the way it's suppose to be isn't it? And I don't mine it. I will keep in mine which side is the front when I wear it.
I cast on for my December socks ...

Christmas is just around the corner and I better get back to my Christmas knitting and I can't tell you yet what that might be. Maybe later.
Okay ... I'm outta here!
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Friday, November 23, 2007
Thankful for my Monkeys ...

My feet were happy!
Also ... the day before yesterday I received my scarf in the ISE5.

And I not only got a delightful sheepy postcard and magnet (already holding notes on the frig, btw) , but also delicious Italian chocolates. She got those while she was in Milan. (I can't forget the Knit Pick's sock yarn either. In a lively and festive colorway. Another one I haven't knit socks with yet. What do you think of these color's, Heidi? They'll make soft & warm socks too, but machine washable.)
My pal is working in the UK right now and I was right about the fact that she was trying to trick me by sending a postcard from Geneve, when in fact a friend sent it for her. Tricky, tricky, Margaret. Almost worked. Well actually it did because I still had no idea where she really was from or who she was for that matter.
I had made the Vine Wrap for my secret pal in the UK and the secret pal, Margaret who had me ... from Ontario, Canada, knit me a beautiful, BEAUTIFUL shawl. Oh how I love this shawl too! I don't have one ... but intended to knit one some day. Now I have a shawl in lovely milk chocolate brown & terracotta. M-m-m-m-m it was a gray cloudy day and what I got for pictures just isn't the correct color I see in person. It's not really this orange ...

Monday, November 19, 2007
Getting to know me ...
Haha, my daughter and best friends would know if this is true right?
Your Inner Color is Purple |
![]() Your Personality: You're a dreamer and visionary. You believe you were put on this earth to do something great. You in Love: You're very passionate but often too busy for love. You need a partner who sees your vision and adopts it as their own. Your Career: You need a job that helps you make a difference. You have a bright future as a guru, politician, teacher, or musician. |
I can hear the DH is laughing and nodding his head right now ... I plan to be a guru next. Really!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Following up ... and Monkey knitting *
And I want to announce the news about one of Southern New Hampshire Services' volunteer knitters, Helyn Malay. (Remember, Helyn?) Well here is a picture of her receiving two awards from NH's Governor John Lynch.
Helyn Malay, Gov. John Lynch.)
Helyn was additionally honored with the 2007 Spirit of NH award presented to the one category recipient chosen by a peer review team as an "outstanding example of New Hampshire's spirit of service." Well deserved, Helyn!
And if you would also like to donate to the RSVP knitters (Retired & Senior Volunteer Program) just contact or mail to the address below. They knit all year long for charity causes ... for the sick, elderly, children and babies with the need to keep warm. They prefer Cotton (for kemo hats) and Acrylic (for easy washables) and I just got the word that they could use a lot more Baby Yarn ... help if you can. Thanks!
Congratulations, Helyn Malay!
To donate, contact:
Dee Martin, Volunteer Services Director
Southern New Hampshire Services, Inc.
40 Pine Street, Manchester, NH 03103
Telephone: (603) 668-8010 ext 6022 Fax: (603) 645-6734
dmartin (at) snhs (dot) org www.snhs.org
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(from Poetry of Kansas web site)
Knitting.An old-time kitchen, an open door,
Sunshine lying across the floor;
A little maid, feet bare and brown,
Cheeks like roses, a cotton gown,
Rippling masses of shining hair,
And a childish forehead smooth and fair.
The child is knitting. The open door
Wooes her, tempts her, more and more.
The sky is cloudless, the air is sweet
And sadly restless the bare brown feet..
Still,' as she wishes her task were done,
She counts the rounds off, one by one.
Higher yet mounts the sun or June;
But one round more!___a joyous tune
Ripples out from the childish lips,
While swift and swifter the finger-tips
Play out and in, till I hear her say,
"Twenty rounds! I'm going to play!"
Up to the hedge where the sweet-brier blows,
Down to the bank where the brooklet flows,
Chasing the butterflies, watching the bees,
Wading in clover up to her knees,
Mocking the bobolinks; oh, what fun
It is to be free when the task is done!
Years and years have glided away.
The child is a woman, and threads of gray
One by one creep into her hair,
And I see the prints of the feet of care.
Yet I like to watch tier. To-night she sits
By her household fire, and as then she knits.
Swiftly the needles glance, and the thread
Glides through her fingers, white and red.
'Tis a baby's stocking. To and fro
And out and in as the needles go,
She sings as she sang that day in June,
But the low, soft strain is a nursery tune.
Closely beside her the baby lies,
Slowly closing his sleepy eyes.
Forward, backward, the cradle swings,
Touched by her foot as she softly sings.
And now in silence her watch she keeps;
The song is hushed, for the baby sleeps.
Up from the green, through the twilight gray,
Comes the shoats of a troop at play.
Blue eyes, black eyes, golden curls -
These are all hers___her boys and girls.
Then wonder not at the prints of care,
Or the silver threads in her braided hair.
Does she ever pine for the meadow brook,
The sweet-brier hedge, the clover nook?
When sweet winds woo, when smiles the sun,
Does she ever wish that her task was done?
Would you know? Then watch her where she sits
Smiling dreamily, while she knits.
*One sock down and one more to go ...
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Wool gathering ...

Life if filled with my knitting. And I continue to knit on ...
Poetry in Stitches.

Modern Quilt Wrap.

and of course the Monkey Socks and my mindless knitting, the Einstein Coat. I'm not talking about whatever I have on needles hidden away and not working on at the moment. There's a few of those in baskets or bags waiting for me to return to them. They can wait.
And look what I got as a lovely "Thank You" gifts in the mail ...

Two skeins of Malabrigo Lace. Have never knit with this yarn either but I just found out that I know someone (Becky) who is "nuts" over Malabrigo. How funny that I should just now get sent some. Amazing how coincidences like this happen isn't it? Becky says "I'm crazy about Malabrigo" and POW ... some appear in my mailbox from someone else from way across the country in California. Go figure. Thanks for the luscious yarn, Kim!!
M-m-m-m, what to knit, what to knit next ...
*Note: I got a message from my ISE5 Secret Pal that my scarf was going into the mail November 17. Yippy! I'm so excited. I can't wait.
Plus, I've made a decision on what to knit next with the yarn that I received above. For the Yummee Sock Yarn: Tidal Wave Socks. And with one of the skeins of Malabrigo Lace: Easy Flame Lace Scarf (Wrap maybe?). Thanks Julie & Heather! I plan to cast on the socks when I finish the Monkeys and cast on the Flame wrap as soon as I finish the MQW which is a Christmas gift and I'll breath easy once that's done since it's a "biggy". Happy knitting.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Another FO and ...
I finished the Shibori-Esque Neck Wrap from Folk Style. I used Jo Sharp Alpaca Kid Lustre and just needled felted roving for the circles. I wanted to keep the design simple. It was hard to keep from doing more. Maybe you can tell. I was real tempted to make the circles look 3 dimensional ... but I held back. I'm done. This is it. It's going to be really warm on a cold windy day.

I am using Rowan RYC Soft Tweed and size 8 & 10 needles for this project. But I'm not telling you what it is yet. So this is were the contest comes in ... the first to guess what I'm knitting ... wins a prize. Here's the prize:
And here's a hint... I'm using about 18 balls of the Rowan RYC Soft Tweed.
I know that's not much to go on,
so here's another picture of my progress so far ...

You're not muttering under your breath are you?
You know what it is right? No? Sure you do.
But I'll give you another hint.
It's NOT an afghan!