I'm crazy about all kinds of stitching .................................. right now I'm into knitting and felting and knitting and crochet and knitting! Did I tell you I knit?
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Knitting on WIPs ...
It's a dark, wet, gloomy day and that's what I'm doing ...
So I might be missing in action for awhile!
Friday, April 27, 2007
Celebrating with knitting ...

I drew the names from out of over thirty six people that participated in the "Name My Tea Cozy" contest and here are the winners ...
1. Debbieknitter won the Vickie Howell book "New Knits on the Block." with emphasis on knitting what kids really want. She can try 'em out on her own kids, hehe.
2. Sue from MommySusieKnits won the murder mystery "Knit One Kill Two". The story takes place in Colorado and I was excited for her because for some reason I thought Cody was in Colorado, but now I realize it's in Wyoming. But hey, Colorado is just south of Wyoming. Right? At one point, I think the story's main character even takes a drive up to a ranch in Wyoming. Well, I think she'll enjoy the story anyway. [And BTW, the book came from Cynthia asking me to pass it along to someone who would enjoy it.]
3. Sara from FabricNFiberFanatic won the Circular Solution needle organizer. She says she could really use it too.
4. And last but not least, Dorothy from Knitting stuff and going on and on ... has won the few balls of cotton and ribbon yarn that I no longer need. And when I took a look at her blog to get her email address, what do I find? Yup, a cotton knit washcloth! I think she'll use up what I'm sending don't you think? Whoohoo!!
And now it's on to knitting ....
WARNING ........ this is a spoiler, so if you don't want to see the new sock yarn & pattern for Socks That Rock ... don't look any further!

Here's a close up ...

Only the night before, I wound up my sock yarn I plan to knit up for the summer ... but it looks like the next one there will have to wait a tiny bit longer ....

I think this new one from Brooklyn Hanspun will have to be next, don't you?

Of course I have a few WIPs like this one too ...

And I do have every intention of finishing it before the leaves turn in the Fall.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Guess what !!

I won, I won, I won!
The results of the tea cozy contest at Seed Stitch Fine Yarn came in last night. [well really it was Tuesday night, but they had computer troubles & no one got the notice.]
I know that so many of you were pulling for me or actually went down there and voted. Some were so kind as to go down and vote again when the first week of entries had been thrown out. And many people I didn't even know, voted for my "Little Felt-Tea Farm." So I thank you one and all! It's been fun and I know it could have been one of the other lovely tea cozies that could have won instead of mine. I hear that everyone who entered will also get a thank you gift. Congratulations are due to everyone!
Now don't think I've forgotten my promise to celebrate if I won. I'll be posting later today who won what prize for helping me to "Name My Tea Cozy".
I'm so excited I've decided to send out 4 prizes!
Tell ya more later.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Needed a Change ...
As some of you have already noticed, I updated my Bl0gger
Template and added comments by Haloscan. I wanted to do something about being able to answer comment questions without trying to hunt all over for email address etc. So I'm hoping Haloscan will be the answer I needed. Unfortunately tho, all of my old comments seem to be lost. I guess. Not sure it they can be brought back. Or did I do something wrong? Well I guess it'll be just like starting over. At least my pictures are here and I'll continue to add things that are missing or change more of my New Look.

I do have some knitting news ....
Oh yah, and ... I don't know who won the tea cozy contest yet.
Just try not to think about it! LOL

I do have some knitting news ....
My STR club socks are done!
Presenting the "Inside Out" socks. Left foot has outside and Right foot has inside. And before you ask ... I think I like the inside best.
Presenting the "Inside Out" socks. Left foot has outside and Right foot has inside. And before you ask ... I think I like the inside best.
Oh yah, and ... I don't know who won the tea cozy contest yet.

Just try not to think about it! LOL
Monday, April 23, 2007
A wonderful weekend!

At last we have some sun ALL weekend! Comfortable temperatures and it's easy to find a reason to get out and about. Went Antiquing with the kids ... a DD and SIL up the seacoast thru Essex into Gloucester. Sat outside on a deck at Periwinkles in Essex, MA for lunch.

And of course I spent a little money in a couple of the antique stores. They're not antiques, but one is old and the other is funny. [with wool appliqué too] Since I live in Salem, MA, I thought we needed a couple of black cats.
It was also a great weekend to finish a couple of projects. The first one

Ah spring ... I finally got to see the crocus open up before they pass on until next Spring.
Oh ya ... I've got YARN PORN too!
Got my recent purchases out so that I can make my plans on the next two projects to get working on. One for at home and the other while commuting on the train, remember? I'd like to start a Summer sweater shell, but I also want to work on a special project for a friend and still work on socks while commuting. Ah, what to do, what to do? Well for you're enjoyment, here are a bunch of pictures to get your taste buds going and work up an appetite to knit more ...

And this one is for you, Rhonda. Happy National Sheep Day!
I'm hoping someone will add to my flock, 'coz other than the pocketbook and my measuring tape, this is the only sheep I have. [Yup, Haddy I knit her myself. Has a sister still on the needles too.] But I can't imagine anyone having as many as Rhonda at Knit Obession does. I don't even think I have enough room for that many.
What size flock do you have? Go ahead ... Show Me Your Sheep!
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Do I dare to begin again?
Well I'm going to get it a try and tell you about my weekend. Won't sound as nice as what I typed up the first time. I honestly should type in Word what I want to say and then just copy it to blogger, but I'm afraid I'll get burned doing that also. Most of the time I know that once I post I can't go back in and edit. Well not on this old computer anyway. [Here's hoping for a new one SOON.]
My weekend was beautiful!

Started out with knitting up a scarf. The Potato Chip Scarf from Knit Picks! See I had this one skein of Reynolds Garden Tweed that was past out as a free sample at last Fall's Boston Knit Out
[BTW, this year it's being held on September 30, 2007 at the Boston Common].
I loved the colors in the yarn and wanted to do something with it, but it was only 72 yards. It's 40% Cotton, 35% Linen, 20% Viscose, & 5% Nylon. A little rough, I think but I liked the colors and knew I had to include it with another yarn. Found what I needed ... Knit Picks Main Line with is 75% Pima Cotton & 25% Merino Wool. Soft! So I knew that was the one that had to be against my neck if I put both into a scarf.
So here it is ... finished and ready to wear.
But now it's time to go up to Portsmouth and meet up with my friend, Dee.
I've known Dee for around 15 years now from back in the days when I worked for The New Hampshire American Lung Association. That was before I got married and moved to MA ... and started working at M.I.T. Dee is now with Southern NH Service, Inc. a volunteer service and is the Director of Volunteers. Dee and I were in a group outside of work called the "Knit Wits", LOL. [or did just her Hubby call us that?] We were both crocheters back then.
I couldn't resist the call for help to donate yarn to the Retired Seniors Volunteer Program.
Neither could the M.I.T. SnB group, Victoria at Seed Stitch and Dottie from Community Night Knitting. There are 30 knitters in the group and some are shut-ins. All are active volunteers.
My DH & I met Dee & her Hubby in Portsmouth to hand over a car trunk load of yarn & pattern books. Feels really good to help out ....
Thanks to everyone for donating for others to keep knitting & crocheting for charity!
We had a nice visit over lunch at Fat Belly's and then of course we had to do some shopping while in a neat little place like Portsmouth. And even tho I didn't find a yarn shop ... there were plenty of other places to go into and window shop in and pick up little gifts for family AND ...

Oh why can't I resist sheep? Did you notice this gal in my last post? Sitting right there on the arm of my knitting chair. That's right ... she's a handbag made by Jellycat. And I fell in love with her! I'm going to use her for my "At home Sock knitting bag."
I might even carry her to Community Knitting night, LOL.
So we shopped and walked about Portsmouth ... before the big storm hit on Sunday.
Sunday was a good day to be hunkered down and knitting ... and I did work on my socks. I also found some patterns online for the
garter stitch short row heels . In case you want to try 'em out.
I love my "Inside Out garter stitch short row heel sock!"
Isn't that a beautiful heel tho? No holes!!

And then I started and finished another project. See? I'm wearing 'em ....
Yup ... Hehehe, I've gone NUTS! I'm now knitting tiny mini sock earrings. Pattern
is from Los Lobe Hose and the needle size is 0000.
That's right kids, size 0000!! Have you tried these yet? Hey, they are so cute. I want to knit more. Okay, so I really am NUTS ... I even had to use those magnifying glasses you see in the background in one of these pictures. But ... the sock itself is so easy to knit. Really!
So I completed the pair in one afternoon!

My weekend was beautiful!

Started out with knitting up a scarf. The Potato Chip Scarf from Knit Picks! See I had this one skein of Reynolds Garden Tweed that was past out as a free sample at last Fall's Boston Knit Out
[BTW, this year it's being held on September 30, 2007 at the Boston Common].
I loved the colors in the yarn and wanted to do something with it, but it was only 72 yards. It's 40% Cotton, 35% Linen, 20% Viscose, & 5% Nylon. A little rough, I think but I liked the colors and knew I had to include it with another yarn. Found what I needed ... Knit Picks Main Line with is 75% Pima Cotton & 25% Merino Wool. Soft! So I knew that was the one that had to be against my neck if I put both into a scarf.
So here it is ... finished and ready to wear.
But now it's time to go up to Portsmouth and meet up with my friend, Dee.

I couldn't resist the call for help to donate yarn to the Retired Seniors Volunteer Program.

My DH & I met Dee & her Hubby in Portsmouth to hand over a car trunk load of yarn & pattern books. Feels really good to help out ....
Thanks to everyone for donating for others to keep knitting & crocheting for charity!
We had a nice visit over lunch at Fat Belly's and then of course we had to do some shopping while in a neat little place like Portsmouth. And even tho I didn't find a yarn shop ... there were plenty of other places to go into and window shop in and pick up little gifts for family AND ...

So we shopped and walked about Portsmouth ... before the big storm hit on Sunday.
Sunday was a good day to be hunkered down and knitting ... and I did work on my socks. I also found some patterns online for the

I love my "Inside Out garter stitch short row heel sock!"
So now say that 10 times fast!
Isn't that a beautiful heel tho? No holes!!

And then I started and finished another project. See? I'm wearing 'em ....
Yup ... Hehehe, I've gone NUTS! I'm now knitting tiny mini sock earrings. Pattern

That's right kids, size 0000!! Have you tried these yet? Hey, they are so cute. I want to knit more. Okay, so I really am NUTS ... I even had to use those magnifying glasses you see in the background in one of these pictures. But ... the sock itself is so easy to knit. Really!

So I completed the pair in one afternoon!

Monday, April 16, 2007
My computer hates me today!
Friday, April 13, 2007
The One Sock Syndrome?

I'm walking on the "wild side" knitting two socks at once!
Not unusual for a lot of knitters to be knitting more than one sock at the same time tho. And I also know many have the "One Sock Syndrome" going on and don't get to the second sock for a long time, if ever. But I've already got the second sock for each of these babies on the needles and ready to "turn the corner" to the half way mark.

Then there's the Sock's That Rock ...
The "Inside Out Sock". Which means you can wear it on either side with just a different look. So far I'm liking the inside best. So I might make it my "right" side. It's constructed from the toe up. I'm using dpn's. This is a tricky pattern but interesting. Yarn is medium weight. The toe is a short row toe done in garter stitch on size 0 needles. The foot is in a ribbing on size 00 needles [that's right ladies & gentlemen -- size 00] until the foot measures 7 1/4 inches. I usually just do 7 inches and then a 2 inch flap before turning the heel. But the pattern said 1 3/4 inch before the end of your foot and guess what. It works great!

Plus, I have the added annoyance of this type of sock sliding down my

Did I finish my Spring cleaning?

Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Before I come back ... additions added below.

Speaking of contests or drawings ... here's another one at Knitlog. This is an easy one requiring mostly luck in the end.
If you know of any other contest I should post, just let me know okay. I know it's more competition for me, but I like to spread the wealth so to speak. So I'm spreading the word. And if I win ... well all the sweeter, huh? [For me not for you, tehe. I mean if I should be the winner.]
And go visit a new friend, Kena who has recently started her blog. She's in the process of opening a weaving, spinning, felting shop in Michigan. BTW, she has babies ... and not just the two legged kind. But 4 legged babies!
Go take a look and say "Hi"!
Did I ever show this to you when I purchased it? DPN point protectors. I've been using them for awhile now and they've become my favorite for the traveling sock bag. Nice and light weight! Bought it from one of my favorite Etsy stores. The prices are very reasonable too. So go check 'em out!
Additional contests:
Thanks, Dorothy for this one:

Thanks for this info, Kim ...
A letter from Seed Stitch about the Tea Cozy Contest ...
Hi, voters and contestants,
I am sorry that I have to do this but in all fairness to all the contestants the voting will begin today and now run until the 24th of April. Unfortunately, there have been voters that have taken advantage of the system that was set up. Please let your friends and family know they have one vote for their favorite cozy.
So from this day on each person will be given one ballet to vote. The ballet will be put in a container and the votes will be counted up on the 24th.
Sorry, to have to do this to everyone who spent so much time making these lovely tea cozies.
I hope you all had a lovely holiday week!!
Much love to all,
So the results won't be out until the 24th. If you had already voted with an X to the list sheet, please go back and cast another (one only please) vote to put in the vase.
Thanks for taking the time to vote!
Friday, April 06, 2007
Put on your Easter bonnet ...

This is David and he thought it would look even better as a warmer for his head ... well almost. [Hehe, looks like he's punching himself in the face.] Sorry about the picture quality tho. It was taken quickly with a cell phone [Thanks, Darlene!] while David was fooling around at Seed Stitch's Community knitting and showing us how great it look on him [giggle].
Well I've decided to take a Blogging Break. I have lots of Spring cleaning to do and my DH is painting all the ceilings and walls in our little house. So I think I should pitch in, clear out, and clean up along with him. Believe me, it needs to be done.
So I'll be back some time the end of next week.
Have a Happy Easter!
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Let the competition begin ...
Here they are. The six contestants in the Tea Cozy Contest at Seed Stitch Fine Yarn. If you live in the area [North Shore, Boston or Southern New Hampshire] I hope you'll come in and vote for your favorite. Maybe you could make it a "Yarn Crawl" Saturday!
They're on 10 Front Street in Salem, MA. That's right next to the Walking Mall. And voting will end on Friday, April 13, 2007. [Oh my, did you notice that? Friday the 13th!!] [My lucky day!!]
As you enter Seed Stitch you'll see these cute knitted and crocheted bunnies ...
But look just beyond them to the center table for the tea cozy display ...

Some pretty cute tea cozies are here ... come take a look ... and come down and vote!

And two of us have a scene on the other side so I should show that also.

They are all pretty cute ...
But, I'm still crossing my fingers ...
that the "Little Felty-Tea Farm" tea cozy wins!

They're on 10 Front Street in Salem, MA. That's right next to the Walking Mall. And voting will end on Friday, April 13, 2007. [Oh my, did you notice that? Friday the 13th!!] [My lucky day!!]
As you enter Seed Stitch you'll see these cute knitted and crocheted bunnies ...
But look just beyond them to the center table for the tea cozy display ...

Some pretty cute tea cozies are here ... come take a look ... and come down and vote!

And two of us have a scene on the other side so I should show that also.

They are all pretty cute ...
But, I'm still crossing my fingers ...
that the "Little Felty-Tea Farm" tea cozy wins!
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