So much knitting is trying to jump out of my basket, onto my needles and into my lap to be started if not finished. So much color, so much beauty, it's filling my flower boxes. I want to be knitting [so what's new, huh?] ... but life gets in the way at times. And more often than I like. Yesterday, I had Jury Duty. It's the third time in 7 years. Well last year it was cancel so my name got thrown back into the pool. So once again I got the call to duty. What little knitting I was working on, had to be put aside ... until after I did my civic duty. After a 45 minute drive and a very long wait, I got dismissed because of what I'll call "a conflict of interest." Yah, that's right ... I have an invested interest in the company being sued. Go figure! So I got to go home [yippy] and I then went to Community Knitting at the Seed Stitch. But I did spend a little time on contemplating what I wanted to do next, and next after that, and again after that one. So here's what I have plucked from my stash and library and what I MIGHT do with each sock yarn ....

This first one is Sophies Toes, Grandma's Blueberry Pie. Love this yarn and I can't wait to knit it up into socks. And you all know that I work at M.I.T. in the Department of Mathematics right?
Well that means the next pair of socks HAVE TO BE ...

I figure Grandma's Blueberry Pie is perfect for these socks!! Don't you?

Then there's this Socks that Rock from Blue Moon Fibers. Unfortunately, I can't remember the name of the colorway at this time but ...

I think this pattern, Undulating Rib Socks from Ann Budd's Favorite Socks ... will be perfect.

Strawberry Margarita. I can always change my mind on those. It's not set in stone. But I love these socks and think the weight of this yarn will go well with the pattern stitch.
And below is a Cherry Tree Hill yarn. Called Water! It's the one that Cynthia is using for her Math Whiz socks.
BTW, if you would like to join us in a little Mini-KAL, we're starting the socks next Friday. Just let Cynthia from Two Wooden Sticks and A Ball of Wool or me know. The link for the sock pattern is above at Knitspot.
I've been planning to knit a pair of socks one day soon with this Cherry tree Hill but I didn't know what

Wait, I've changed my mine. I think this color way would be beautiful as Tidal Wave Socks!

Jackie asked what I had for a "time frame" for getting these socks done and my answer is ... as many as I can get done during the Summer. Hopefully five pair, counting the Grasshopper socks from Blue Moon, STR Sock Club. I'm on my 2nd sock for that pair. So that's the story. Not saying it'll happen ... but it's my game plan and I'll give it an honest try.
And I can't help myself ... I have got to show you Grandma's blueberry pie one more time.
[What do you think, Cynthia? Will this color work?]

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