I finally took a picture of my latest Shape It! scarf that I finished last week ...

I also finished Yoga/Dance Socks for a Christmas gift ...

They're for someone who does yoga twice a week and it AIN'T me!

And since they don't have toes and heels, they don't count toward the
SOS2008 KAL, besides the fact that I started them before the "start date". So I finished just in time before
SOS2008 began on Saturday!
Needle - US 1 / 2.25 mm
Yarn - Knit Picks Dancing (1 skein)
Colorway - 23587
THEN ...
I got my supplies together ...

and planned what to start first. Hey, did I tell you about this? This little dog tag I purchased from
knitcellaneous. So neat ... a Kitchener reminder to attach to your knitting bag!

And then Saturday I cast on for Summer of Socks ...

And you didn't think I was going to cast on for anything less than three different pairs of socks right? So I can have a change of pace when I need it right? They don't call me the StitchingNut for nothing!!
You may not see much of anything else for awhile other than socks or maybe a little lace perhaps ...

But I'll be reading my favorite blogs and occasionally take the time to comment. Something like "drive by" commenting perhaps. Rest assured, I'll be checking out what everybody else is doing also but trying to knit as many socks as I can before September 1st. Mind you, I may be missing in action in that case.
Okay it's time to go back to my sock knitting.