This weekend was dedicated to visiting my sister, Lori from Florida. I only had 1 & 1/2 days with her, so needless to say, knitting didn't get done. I did have a good time and lots of laughs with my favorite sister. She's 13 years younger than me and the youngest of 5 of my sisters. Yup, I'm the oldest of 6 girls. Two boys did come along eventually when I was 16 and 21. But the two that I took care of were Lori and the first of my brothers, Arthur. That is until I left home when I was around 19. Lori's my favorite. Shouldn't have favorites I know, but I do. Doesn't mean I don't love the others tho. But Lori is just special to me.

Lori wanted to learn to embroider, so I started her out on the basics. She has a couple of good books to guide her now, so she can continue to learn on her own as well. But she was learning fast and I had her doing as much as she could do in one day. Before you know it ... I'll get an embroidered gift from her for Christmas. Right?

And see that little teapot in front of us? Well in our travels around Salem's shops it was found. [Ya, we found time to shop too!] Since I like teapots and bunnies remind Lori of me and Iris' are her signature flower she bought it for me so that when I have tea in it I'll be reminded of our good time together. We enjoyed "Lemon Tree Green Tea" from New Civilitea while we worked. [Hey look at the Stitchingnut, Rhonda -- what a HAM!]

I won't talk about the knitting I had planned on doing this weekend but I will show you a few things I got that is related to either sheep ... or knitting. Ha, the first one is a purchase I make on the Etsy Shop Greenwillow Crafts. Little Mini microwave potholders. I think they're a nice idea. So one pair is at home (the cherries) by my microwave and the other (sheep) is at work by my microwave for removing those reheated coffees, hot soups, or Smart Ones or Kashi TV dinners cooked up for lunch. Keeps my fingers from getting burned.

There's so much more knitting to do. How about the fact that I've now fallen in love with LACE? Am I crazy or what? Look at the beautiful lace yarn I got from The Loopy Ewe. This is Lane Borgosesia Cashwool.

The pattern is from this book, Victorian Lace Today. What a beautiful book this is. Even my DH thumbed threw it and pointed out the beautiful scarves, shawls, and stoles in there.

So which one am I planning to undertake with the Kid Silk?
How about this one?

Yah, I know ... I'm the Nut around here!

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